Cloud cover map
Satellite weather with current cloud coverage. Cloud cover map anywhere in the world. Check how clouds move and where precipitation can be expected. Weather satellites photograph our planet on an ongoing basis to provide us with up-to-date images of the earth. On the sky radar you can check images practically live from the last 3 hours. Cloud tracker can help you predict a storm.

The clouds that produce precipitation

Because clouds are responsible for practically every drop of rain, flake of snow, and stone of hail, it's crucial to understand the various sorts of clouds. There are many different varieties of clouds, but only two of them produce considerable precipitation. The other clouds (mainly stratus) provide only a light drizzle. Vertical clouds are the only cloud kinds that produce precipitation. That means their height is often significant, resulting in the potential for precipitation drops or flakes to expand.
One of these clouds that produces precipitation is the nimbostratus cloud. It is typically found near weather fronts. Nimbostratus clouds are distinguished from stratus clouds by their appearance. When encountering these clouds, the sky is largely boring grey. The intensity of the precipitation is mostly light to moderate.
The cumulonimbus cloud is the second form of cloud. This sort of cloud, sometimes referred to as a thunderstorm cloud, provides stronger rain in the form of showers and thunderstorms. These clouds can appear as cauliflowers in the sky from afar. When under the cloud, however, it is very similar to the nimbostratus kind. The intensity of precipitation can be much higher than with nimbostratus clouds.
Satellite meteorological observation system Eumetsat provides a map with up-to-date images from the sky.